Over the weekend, I invite you to replace the labels “masculine” or “feminine” when you’re describing human behavior with words like “active” or “passive“ or “giving” or “receiving.” . In fact just break up with gender binary coded thinking and language altogether, when it comes to human behavior. . All people, regardless of biological sex and gender possess the capacity to be active and passive and giving and receiving, and this and that… . The goal is integration, balance and acceptance of all of these strategies, listen to your body, ask for help and give help, etc. . There is no need to assign gender terms to this behavior, other than to promote a binary and patriarchal view of what behavior is acceptable for certain people. This is the core of gender essentialism, and a sneaky and insidious way patriarchy gets re-branded. . #internalizedmisogyny #smashthepatriarchy #therapytiktok