Still waiting on Baby but please enjoy! We’ve been off social for awhile, just enjoying being pregnant and starting new things but hopefully after the baby comes (give us some time) we will be back to creating content. Until then, here is some social dancing to SwingBooty in our lovely shoes from these have been the only shoes that have continued to fit me through being pregnant! Just a few more days or a few more weeks to go before we get to meet the baby! *I’ve been approved to dance during pregnancy because it’s something I’ve done before and during pregnancy, don’t do this at home unless you’ve talked with your doctor and have gotten it approved for your particular pregnancy. #dancingpregnant #inducelabor #inducinglabornaturally #swingdancing #madeinitaly #dancingcouple #vintagedance #laboranddelivery #maternity #pregnancytips #pregnancytipsbyme #naturallyinducinglabor #38weekspregnant #laborexercises #labor #pregnancyjourney #fyp