One of the seven function blocks (major things needed for good health) is oxygen. The presence of oxygen changes our biological functions. HOW we get it can change us too…Introducing the Physiological Sigh. I first learned about this from Dr. @Andrew Huberman on the Huberman Lab podcast. (If you want to start taking your self-health seriously - he is another one of the places you need to be!) I’ve been practicing it for 8 months now and I’m in love with the results! The technique has been shown, in clinical studies, to calm the nervous system - basically switch it from sympathetic to parasympathetic (very generally speaking). From personal experience, it is one of the easiest ways to calm myself I’ve ever tried. I run a bit high-energy and controlling the line between energized and stressed is a challenge. THIS technique has made that challenge easier. Then you add the oxygen intake, the getting rid of CO2… all that nerdy stuff and you’ve got a rockstar pick-me-up for energy, calm and mood. And, of course, keeping that chin pulled back whenever you can is great for decompressing the muscles at the base of your skull and top of your neck… Ones that can often cause tension headaches. Nobody needs those!! if you have questions, drop them below! Feel BETTER! #feelbetterselfcare #takecareofyou #healthissuccess #fromselfneglecttosuccess #headacherelief #tensionheadacherelief #tensionheadache #physiologicalsigh #nervoussystemregulation #feelthinkachievebetter