Before it was cool or common, we moved into an RV with our family. Wanting to reset life and have more time together as a family, we thought RV life would bring us the freedom to do that. It was intentional but still terrifying. 5 years later and we have zero regrets. Has it been easy? Nope! Have we made a lot of changes and had to adjust a lot along the way? Yup! But what we set out to do, we did. If we listened to the peiple who thought we were weird or the ones that can't conceptualize living something different than their "normal", then we wouldn't have experienced the growth we have. We wouldn't have made the life long connections that we have and most of all, we wouldn't realize that we aren't stuck. We are in more control of our own life than we realized. Whatever it is. RV Life, moving to a different state or even a different country, quitting a job that makes you miserable, leaving a relationship that doesnt suit you anymore, just know you aren't stuck. #rvlife #rvliving #rvlivingfulltime #rvlifestyle #Meme #MemeCut #nomad #nomadfamily #intentionalliving #intentional #intentionalparenting